We keep the quality high but force each issue to a 0MB file size. Some are more or less, depending on the actual page count of the issue and the amount of heavy images, video links and text. As always, if you want to contact the publisher, please email Sir Black Fox at: Publisher@FaireMagazine.com.

Thanks for welcoming us back with your visit! Grab an ale and a turkey leg and have a seat. Since our sister publication, The Pyrates Way, went green at the beginning of 2012 with such success, we’ve decided to do the same with Faire Magazine.

When we launch our new downloadable FREE version of the magazine next month (February), you’ll get the chance to pick up where we left off with the now-available Sixth Issue. We’ll be bringing you a fresh, new issue every quarter as well as bringing all of the past five printed issues to you as fresh new downloadable versions. The first back issue will be the sold out Second Issue, available in late February so make sure you come back for that!

Each issue of Faire Magazine is a fast download, most in less than a few minutes on a standard cable modem. We keep the quality high but force each issue to a semi-strict 20MB file size. Some are more or less, depending on the actual page count of the issue and the amount of heavy images, video links and text.

If you take a look at the company’s website you’ll see they offer free shipping which makes it a great option for making crafts. We wouldn’t have been able to construct such an epic sign for our office front entry. We get compliments on it almost daily.

OCTOBER 2016 - As we continue to slowly grow, we’re finding that there are more subscribers interested in Renaissance Festival information as well as photos from the various faires. Listening to our patrons, we’ve added maps and other information to each of our festival reviews. We’re almost to the end of our “First 500,” so get your subscription in right away. We’re working through the backlog of pins and will get yours out ASAP! This article details many of the reasons why we recommend Abebooks as the top source for your books. Here is a link to it.

With every advertisement you purchase in Faire Magazine, a copy of it appears on our website. The more ads you buy, the more copies of your ad will appear at these. Each copy will have a link to YOUR Website! These web ads are FREE!