Features: (in this issue only)
Stacy Mascotti: Former HRH Queen Elizabeth I at PARF - Starting in a small character's
shoes, Stacy became Queen of all England for a year and then followed a course which took
her off-Broadway. She got married and settled down to start a family and is back at The
Pennsylvania Renaissance Festival as a gypsy. Why?
Pyrates of the Renaissance Faire - Why are these obviously wrong-period-people
accepted at faire?
Travelling The Renaissance Circuit - What's it like to be on the road all year long,
moving from faire to festival and dealing with the politics, problems, and profits of each?
Renaissance Festival History: Part II - How did such a small idea grow so large so fast?
The Carolina Renaissance Festival - A beautiful site for a faire in the sand.
Faire Favors Ediquette - (TBA)
Medieval Footware - (TBA)
The California Renaissance Faire - Palm Trees and hot sun, is that Renaissance?
Hallowe'en at PARF - A celebratory last weekend of the faire.


Articles: (appearing Every Issue)
Food on a Stick - (TBA)
That's So Wrong! - How Can you tell when your faire's gone bad?
Renspeak Lesson - (TBA)
Kept in Stitches - (TBA)
Book, DVD, CD & Site Review - (TBA)
When a Handshake Just Won't Do Part II - (TBA)
Performer Highlight - (TBA) - (TBA)
SCA Corner - An Introduction, Part II
Making Meade Part II - (TBA)